Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Evolution of Business and Trade

The things we have and do today have a history, and some of these originated long ago. The telephone was invented during the 1870s by Alexander Graham Bell. As time progressed, the telephone was developed to become smaller, more efficient and more powerful. Now we have mobile phones which are capable of browsing the internet, playing music, and managing minor tasks.  Its evolution made it easier for man to communicate. But a more interesting topic is how business and trade began, and we will discuss its history briefly here.

Business and trade began in the ancient times when nomads traveled to different places. Because they did not know how to generate resources for themselves, they relied on what nature provided them. However, this was not enough, and the need for basic necessity increased for them. This lead to the discovery of clothes and body ornaments which were considered as “luxurious goods.” Skills were developed in weaving, metal craft, pottery and sculpting. The products of these skills became commodities which paid for in gold, silver or copper. Others exchanged the products for wool, ceramics, spices, iron, semi-precious stones, livestock, textiles and many more. People exchanged the commodities they had to acquire other commodities which they needed or wanted. Others learned to speak different languages in order to cross distant lands through caravans. Camels were used for long travel across lands, and shipping trade routes to Asia, Africa and Europe were established. 

The start of trade triggered the advancement of the business industry. As time changed, new ways were found for marketing and selling products. Until now, the field of trade and business is experiencing vast and rapid changes. Trading was a mark of cultural awareness, social bonding, and economic success during the nomadic period. In some ways, the same can be said today.  Business experts like Terry Powell are aware of the history of business and trade. That knowledge has helped them in understanding the ins and outs of the field. Entrepreneurs who are just starting would do well to emulate these experts in their pursuit of success.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Social Networking: Strangers No More

When a person is interested in somebody, an intrinsic urge to find out more about that specific person arises. But back in the days, people found it difficult to acquire information about a particular person, regardless of whether that person is a famous celebrity or the object of another’s affection. 

Now with the introduction of social networking sites, connecting with other people has become so much easier. These days, almost everyone has at least one social networking account in Facebook, Twitter or MySpace. Through these accounts, people provide personal information, upload pictures, and post updates about themselves for the public to see.

In fact, the most popular celebrities today have their own pages and personal accounts in social networking sites. Fans can subscribe to these celebrities’ accounts and be constantly updated with live feeds. People who have connected social media accounts can also acquire live updates from each other.

One fine example of a social networking site is Facebook. It is very interactive and accessible. You can browse a person’s profile and view the information therein. Facebook also allows you to keep in touch with your loved ones, family and friends. 

Moreover, you can now meet different people through social networking sites. Gone are the times when you had to meet someone personally in order make them your acquaintance. Through social networking sites, getting to know someone can be done instantly. Terry Powell points out that "poking" has become the new handshake. Basically, making friends and renewing old ties is easier.  

Social networking has somehow shaped the lives of people today. It would be difficult to imagine how life would be without social networking. The internet and social networking sites will continue to grow and prosper. Social networking will become more interactive and, accordingly, people will share a very strong relationship with each other.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Businesses that can survive any Economy!

During these trying times, when almost all the economies in the world are struggling, starting your own business seems impossible and unthinkable. But starting a business just depends on one's mindset and determination. If you are confident and are willing to take the risks, why don't you go for it? According to Terry Powell, Founder and CEO of FranchisEsource Brands International, always start with a great idea and hire the most capable people.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Consumerism Explained Through A Shopaholic


Have you ever felt the urge to buy an iPhone, a PS3 or an iPad? Was there a time when you bought a piece of clothing impulsively? If you’ve watched Confessions of a Shopaholic, you will understand what I’m saying. The lead character Rebecca had to use all her credit cards in order to satiate her craving to shop. She needed to find a job because her debts were steadily increasing. 

Consumerism isn’t bad. It can even be beneficial to the economy, as it helps generate cash flow. However, compulsive buying is detrimental. Some people do not know how to control their urge to shop, just as how Rebecca repeatedly bought expensive things she didn’t really need. 

She wanted to become a fashion editor, but instead ended up as a column writer at Successful Savings. And the problem was she didn’t know anything about saving up. 

There is always a positive and negative side to what we do. It’s just a matter using ideas the right way. Terry Powell can give advice on how one’s personal and psychological growth can affect one’s future.