Thursday, August 11, 2011

Office career: not for a lifetime

[image c/o]

Everything has its end. And sometimes, these endings scare us. What we don't realize is that something will new come in, and that's change in the best context.

Change is defined as "to give a different position, course, or direction to" by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It isn't hard to think why. Giving in to a new environment, new working habits and new experiences waiting to happen are not what one necessarily thinks about.

For students graduating from college, thinking about where their careers will go is a big deal. But how about graduating from the career you've chosen? What's your next big deal?

With the slumping economic situation of today, you just can't sit and relax. Job security is not the same as it was before.

That is why having a business is a popular choice to maintain financial stability nowadays. You won't be earning six-digit figures monthly for a lifetime, you know.

With a business, you have your daily income on the go. Second, you're the boss, and your convenience will be a priority. Third, you can fulfill your dreams and be wealthy. The list goes on and on.

So the question is: Will having a business make you financially-stable? Yes, but it depends. It depends on how you run it as the 'captain of the ship.'

Although it takes a lot to make your business career successful, the basic tenets of hard work, perseverance and dedication still stand true, just like in the old office times.

Having second thoughts? Terry Powell is just around to keep your curiosity floating. So who would have thought change would be this fun? :)

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